My library makes lots of videos, and so we need plenty of soundtrack music to score them. In an earlier blog post , we discussed how to find royalty-free music to download and use in your library videos. Those resources are fine, but it takes time and work to ferret out suitable music. Wouldn't it be easier if your library had its own composer? But where to find one? They don't exactly grow on trees. Why not use ours? Danny Buckley composes original music and has granted my library a limited license to use his music royalty-free, free-of-charge for our videos, provided that we include an attribution credit to him and his music in the videos. We usually give him two credits: one as music composer, and the other for the particular composition we're using in a video. Danny is willing to grant other libraries the same license for their videos. That's a sweet deal. If you'd like MP3 files of any of his compositions, please fee...
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